Contact me
Wahl medical translations
Birgit Wahl-Peters
Meckelstr. 76
42287 Wuppertal
Phone: +49 (0)202 25328429
Fax: +49 (0)3212 1305065
Mobile +49 (0)179 8489920
VAT IDNo: DE181078697
Responsible editor of the content of this website:
Birgit Wahl-Peters, Meckelstr. 76, 42287 Wuppertal, Germany
The person providing and maintaining this website (“Editor”) is responsible for its own contents according to section 8 German Teleservice Act (TDG). Although all contents have been carefully checked and are regularly updated, completeness of information or accuracy and currentness of the content cannot be guaranteed. The Editor is not liable for any damage incurred in connection with the use or abuse of the contents presented unless such damage is caused by intent or gross negligence.
The Editor points out that hyperlinks to external websites only serve for information purposes and expressly declares that, at the time of installing the link to the relevant website, the external websites were free from illegal contents. However, the Editor has no influence on the current and future design and contents of such external websites. Therefore, the Editor does not assume any liability for the websites of other operators.
This disclaimer is an integral part of this website. If any section or wording of this website does not, no longer or not fully comply with the current legal situation, the rest of the website shall remain valid.